Our Policies

In adherence to the statutory guidance in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, 2017), we ensure that all our policies and procedures are regularly reviewed to ensure they are relevant and up to date with legal requirements. If you would like to view a sample of our policies and procedures, please click on the relevant heading below. A full set of policies and procedures are available on request.

Administration of Medicines
Admissions Policy
Behaviour Management Policy
Children missing in education statement
Confidentiality Policy
Data Protection Policy
Discipline Policy
Exclusion table for illness
Fees Policy
First Aid Policy
Forest School Poor Weather Conditions Procedure
Forest School code of conduct
Grievance Policy
Healthy Eating policy
Inclusion and Equality Policy
Medication Policy
Partnership with Parents Policy
SEND Policy
Safeguarding Policy
Settling in Policy
Tapestry Learning Journey Policy
Tapestry Policy
Toileting Policy Forest School
We now have a waiting list for September 2024..if you wish to be added to this list please follow the link below!
Spaces fill up fast!